CDP1806: The microprocessor used in the Nokia ATF-II

This page contains links to information about the 1806 (RCA 1802-series) microprocessor. A CDP1806 processor is used in the Nokia carphone used in the former Benelux ATF-II network. Reprogramming this processor would make the use for amateurradio use probably extremely simple. RCA seems to be owned by Harris now and happily they made their datasheets available on the net. The 1806 seems to be equal to the 1805 but without internal RAM.

1802    CDP1802         mpu     CMOS* 8-Bit COSMAC MPU* (RCA*), Card
RCA (Owned by Harris)


Harris Semiconductor Corporation 
Box 883 
Melbourne, FL 32902 
tel: +1-800-4-HARRIS, ext 7296 
tel: +1-407-724-7000 
tel: +1-407-729-4984 
tel: +1-407-729-5321 FaxBack 
fax: +1-407-729-5691 - Technical assistance - Concern - Chips - AnswerFax and index of data
sheets in PS form

CMOS Microprocessors
CDP1802A, CDP1802AC, CDP1802BC CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessors
CDP1802AC/3 High-Reliability CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor
CDP1805AC, CDP1806AC CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor with On-Chip RAM and Counter/Timer

[Semiconductor Logo]

CDP1805AC, CDP1806AC

Data Sheets

fn1370.pdf CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor with On-Chip RAM and Counter/Timer (Adobe's pdf format -- 196793 bytes) CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor with On-Chip RAM and Counter/Timer (Adobe's PostScript format -- 470878 bytes)

|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                             RCA                              |
|                                                              |
|               1     88888      000      22222                |
|              11    8     8    0   0    2     2               |
|               1    8     8   0   0 0        2                |
|               1     88888    0  0  0     222                 |
|               1    8     8   0 0   0    2                    |
|               1    8     8    0   0    2                     |
|              111    88888      000     2222222               |
|                                                              |
|    CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor Instruction Set Summary     |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                    _________    _________                    |
|                  _|         \__/         |_                  |
|       --> CLOCK |_|1                   40|_| Vdd             |
|            ____  _|                      |_  ____            |
|        --> WAIT |_|2                   39|_| XTAL -->        |
|           _____  _|                      |_  ______          |
|       --> CLEAR |_|3                   38|_| DMA IN <--      |
|                  _|                      |_  _______         |
|           <-- Q |_|4                   37|_| DMA OUT <--     |
|                  _|                      |_  _________       |
|         <-- SC1 |_|5                   36|_| INTERRUPT <--   |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|         <-- SC0 |_|6                   35|_| MWR <--         |
|             ___  _|                      |_                  |
|         <-- MRD |_|7                   34|_| TPA -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 7 |_|8                   33|_| TPB -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 6 |_|9                   32|_| MA7 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 5 |_|10       1802       31|_| MA6 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 4 |_|11                  30|_| MA5 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 3 |_|12                  29|_| MA4 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 2 |_|13                  28|_| MA3 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 1 |_|14                  27|_| MA2 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|      <--> BUS 0 |_|15                  26|_| MA1 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_                  |
|             Vcc |_|16                  25|_| MA0 -->         |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|          <-- N2 |_|17                  24|_| EF1 <--         |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|          <-- N1 |_|18                  23|_| EF2 <--         |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|          <-- N0 |_|19                  22|_| EF3 <--         |
|                  _|                      |_  ___             |
|             Vss |_|20                  21|_| EF4 <--         |
|                   |______________________|                   |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
|Written by     Jonathan Bowen                                 |
|               Programming Research Group                     |
|               Oxford University Computing Laboratory         |
|               8-11 Keble Road                                |
|               Oxford OX1 3QD                                 |
|               England                                        |
|                                                              |
|               Tel +44-865-273840                             |
|                                                              |
|Created        August 1981                                    |
|Updated        April 1985                                     |
|Issue          1.3                Copyright (C) J.P.Bowen 1985|
|Mnem. |Op|F|Description                 |Notes                |
|ADC   |74|*|Add with Carry              |{DF,D}=mx+D+DF       |
|ADCI i|7C|*|Add with Carry Immediate    |{DF,D}=mp+D+DF,p=p+1 |
|ADD   |F4|*|Add                         |{DF,D}=mx+D          |
|ADI  i|FC|*|Add Immediate               |{DF,D}=mp+D,p=p+1    |
|AND   |F2|*|Logical AND                 |D={mx}&D             |
|ANI  i|FA|*|Logical AND Immediate       |D={mp}&D,p=p+1       |
|B1   a|34|-|Branch if EF1               |If EF1=1 BR else NBR |
|B2   a|35|-|Branch if EF2               |If EF2=1 BR else NBR |
|B3   a|36|-|Branch if EF3               |If EF3=1 BR else NBR |
|B4   a|37|-|Branch if EF4               |If EF4=1 BR else NBR |
|BDF  a|33|-|Branch if DF                |If DF=1 BR else NBR  |
|BGE  a|33|-|Branch if Greater or Equal  |See BDF              |
|BL   a|38|-|Branch if Less              |See BNF BR else NBR  |
|BM   a|38|-|Branch if Minus             |See BNF              |
|BN1  a|3C|-|Branch if Not EF1           |If EF1=0 BR else NBR |
|BN2  a|3D|-|Branch if Not EF2           |If EF2=0 BR else NBR |
|BN3  a|3E|-|Branch if Not EF3           |If EF3=0 BR else NBR |
|BN4  a|3F|-|Branch if Not EF4           |If EF4=0 BR else NBR |
|BNF  a|38|-|Branch if Not DF            |If DF=0 BR else NBR  |
|BNQ  a|39|-|Branch if Not Q             |If Q=0 BR else NBR   |
|BNZ  a|3A|-|Branch if D Not Zero        |If D=1 BR else NBR   |
|BPZ  a|33|-|Branch if Positive or Zero  |See BDF              |
|BQ   a|31|-|Branch if Q                 |If Q=1 BR else NBR   |
|BR   a|30|-|Branch                      |pl=mp                |
|BZ   a|32|-|Branch if D Zero            |If D=0 BR else NBR   |
|DEC  r|2N|-|Decrement register N        |n=n-1                |
|DIS   |71|-|Disable                     |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=0  |
|GHI  r|9N|-|Get High register N         |D=nh                 |
|GLO  r|8N|-|Get Low register N          |D=nl                 |
|IDL   |00|-|Idle (wait for DMA or int.) |Bus=m0               |
|INC  r|1N|-|Increment register N        |n=n+1                |
|INP  d|6N|-|Input (N=d+8=9-F)           |mx=Bus,D=Bus,Nlines=d|
|IRX   |60|-|Increment register X        |x=x+1                |
|LBDF a|C3|-|Long Branch if DF           |If DF=1 LBR else LNBR|
|LBNF a|C8|-|Long Branch if Not DF       |If DF=0 LBR else LNBR|
|LBNQ a|C9|-|Long Branch if Not Q        |If Q=0 LBR else LNBR |
|LBNZ a|CA|-|Long Branch if D Not Zero   |If D=1 LBR else LNBR |
|LBQ  a|C1|-|Long Branch if Q            |If Q=1 LBR else LNBR |
|LBR  a|C0|-|Long Branch                 |p=mp                 |
|LBZ  a|C2|-|Long Branch if D Zero       |If D=0 LBR else LNBR |
|LDA  r|4N|-|Load advance                |D=mn,n=n+1           |
|LDI  i|F8|-|Load Immediate              |D=mp,p=p+1           |
|LDN  r|0N|-|Load via N (except N=0)     |D=mn                 |
|LDX   |F0|-|Load via X                  |D=mx                 |
|LDXA  |72|-|Load via X and Advance      |D=mx,x=x+1           |
|LSDF  |CF|-|Long Skip if DF             |If DF=1 LSKP else NOP|
|LSIE  |CC|-|Long Skip if IE             |If IE=1 LSKP else NOP|
|LSKP  |C8|-|Long Skip                   |See NLBR             |
|LSNF  |C7|-|Long Skip if Not DF         |If DF=0 LSKP else NOP|
|LSNQ  |C5|-|Long Skip if Not Q          |If Q=0 LSKP else NOP |
|LSNZ  |C6|-|Long Skip if D Not Zero     |If D=1 LSKP else NOP |
|LSQ   |CD|-|Long Skip if Q              |If Q=1 LSKP else NOP |
|LSZ   |CE|-|Long Skip if D Zero         |If D=0 LSKP else NOP |
|MARK  |79|-|Push X,P to stack  (T={X,P})|m2={X,P},X=P,r2=r2-1 |
|NBR   |38|-|No short Branch (see SKP)   |p=p+1                |
|NLBR a|C8|-|No Long Branch (see LSKP)   |p=p+2                |
|NOP   |C4|-|No Operation                |Continue             |
|OR    |F1|*|Logical OR                  |D={mx}vD             |
|ORI  i|F9|*|Logical OR Immediate        |D={mp}vD,p=p+1       |
|OUT  d|6N|-|Output (N=d=1-7)            |Bus=mx,x=x+1,Nlines=d|
|PLO  r|AN|-|Put Low register N          |nl=D                 |
|PHI  r|BN|-|Put High register N         |nh=D                 |
|REQ   |7A|-|Reset Q                     |Q=0                  |
|RET   |70|-|Return                      |{X,P}=mx,x=x+1,IE=1  |
|RSHL  |7E|*|Ring Shift Left             |See SHLC             |
|RSHR  |76|*|Ring Shift Right            |See SHRC             |
|SAV   |78|-|Save                        |mx=T                 |
|SDB   |75|*|Subtract D with Borrow      |{DF,D}=mx-D-DF       |
|SDBI i|7D|*|Subtract D with Borrow Imm. |{DF,D}=mp-D-DF,p=p+1 |
|SD    |F5|*|Subtract D                  |{DF,D}=mx-D          |
|SDI  i|FD|*|Subtract D Immediate        |{DF,D}=mp-D,p=p+1    |
|SEP  r|DN|-|Set P                       |P=N                  |
|SEQ   |7B|-|Set Q                       |Q=1                  |
|SEX  r|EN|-|Set X                       |X=N                  |
|SHL   |FE|*|Shift Left                  |{DF,D}={DF,D,0}<-    |
|SHLC  |7E|*|Shift Left with Carry       |{DF,D}={DF,D}<-      |
|Mnem. |Op|F|Description                 |Notes                |
|SHR   |F6|*|Shift Right                 |{D,DF}=->{0,D,DF}    |
|SHRC  |76|*|Shift Right with Carry      |{D,DF}=->{D,DF}      |
|SKP   |38|-|Short Skip                  |See NBR              |
|SMB   |77|*|Subtract Memory with Borrow |{DF,D}=D-mx-{~DF}    |
|SMBI i|7F|*|Subtract Mem with Borrow Imm|{DF,D}=D-mp-~DF,p=p+1|
|SM    |F7|*|Subtract Memory             |{DF,D}=D-mx          |
|SMI  i|FF|*|Subtract Memory Immediate   |{DF,D}=D-mp,p=p+1    |
|STR  r|5N|-|Store via N                 |mn=D                 |
|STXD  |73|-|Store via X and Decrement   |mx=D,x=x-1           |
|XOR   |F3|*|Logical Exclusive OR        |D={mx}.D             |
|XRI  i|FB|*|Logical Exclusive OR Imm.   |D={mp}.D,p=p+1       |
|      |  |-|Interrupt action            |T={X,P},P=1,X=2,IE=0 |
|      |??| |8-bit hexadecimal opcode                          |
|      |?N| |Opcode with register/device in low 4/3 bits       |
|      |  |-|DF flag unaffected                                |
|      |  |*|DF flag affected                                  |
| mn        |Register addressing                               |
| mx        |Register-indirect addressing                      |
| mp        |Immediate addressing                              |
| R( )      |Stack addressing (implied addressing)             |
|DFB n(,n)  |Define Byte                                       |
|DFS n      |Define Storage block                              |
|DFW n(,n)  |Define Word                                       |
| D         |Data register (accumulator, 8-bit)                |
| DF        |Data Flag (ALU carry, 1-bit)                      |
| I         |High-order instruction digit (4-bit)              |
| IE        |Interrupt Enable (1-bit)                          |
| N         |Low-order instruction digit (4-bit)               |
| P         |Designates Program Counter register (4-bit)       |
| Q         |Output flip-flop (1-bit)                          |
| R         |1 of 16 scratchpad Registers(16-bit)              |
| T         |Holds old {X,P} after interrupt (X high, 8-bit)   |
| X         |Designates Data Pointer register (4-bit)          |
| mn        |Memory byte addressed by R(N)                     |
| mp        |Memory byte addressed by R(P)                     |
| mx        |Memory byte addressed by R(X)                     |
| m?        |Memory byte addressed by R(?)                     |
| n         |Short form for R(N)                               |
| nh        |High-order byte of R(N)                           |
| nl        |Low-order byte of R(N)                            |
| p         |Short form for R(P)                               |
| pl        |Low-order byte of R(P)                            |
| r?        |Short form for R(?)                               |
| x         |Short form for R(X)                               |
| R(N)      |Register specified by N                           |
| R(P)      |Current program counter                           |
| R(X)      |Current data pointer                              |
| R(?)      |Specific register                                 |
| a         |Address expression                                |
| d         |Device number (1-7)                               |
| i         |Immediate expression                              |
| n         |Expression                                        |
| r         |Register (hex digit or an R followed by hex digit)|
| +         |Arithmetic addition                               |
| -         |Arithmetic subtraction                            |
| *         |Arithmetic multiplication                         |
| /         |Arithmetic division                               |
| &         |Logical AND                                       |
| ~         |Logical NOT                                       |
| v         |Logical inclusive OR                              |
| .         |Logical exclusive OR                              |
| <-        |Rotate left                                       |
| ->        |Rotate right                                      |
| { }       |Combination of operands                           |
| ?         |Hexadecimal digit (0-F)                           |
| -->       |Input pin                                         |
| <--       |Output pin                                        |
| <-->      |Input/output pin                                  |



Because of lack to a disassembler I decided to write a simple disassembler myself. It is a very early and incomplete version but it does something. The C-source is included, as well is a win32 console executable. Click here to download it. Remember! Do not expect much of it. A hexdump of the EPROM is included as well.


 Programmer's Guide to the 1802
        - Tom Swan
        - Hayden Book Company, Inc., 1981
        - ISBN 0-8104-5183-2
        - good introduction to assembly language progamming and an
          thorough tutorial on the 1802

User Manual for the CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor
        - RCA, 1977
        - contains useful hardware and software techniques


Last modified July 8th, 1998 by Herman Robers <>